1. Go to www.primeshare.net and login with your Primeshare account.
  2. You will be directed to the Client Portal Administration page.

  3. Click “Create New Portal”.

  4. Enter a name for your portal with the following considerations in mind:  
    (Your portal name will be appended to the end of the Primeshare domain as https://www.primeshare.net/<yourPortalName>.)
    • Your portal name must be unique within Primeshare.  
       (If someone has already used your portal name you will see an error that the name is not unique.  If this occurs, choose another name.)
    • Your portal name cannot contain any special characters.
    • Your portal URL cannot be modified after creating it without deleting the portal. 
    • Your portal URL should include your company name or company acronym

  5. Click "Create".